Tuesday, May 26, 2009

June Model Shoot in planning stage

Ken Crites reports that the young lady who attended one of our early B&N meetings has confirmed that she is interested in working with us.  Ken is planning on the weekend of June 6, but still needs to confirm with her (Zarina).  If you are interested in participating, please fill out a "comment" below.  Note that you must be a registered user of the blog to post comments.  Registration is easy and free.

Working with Zarina may not be free - Ken will let us know.  She will most likely require an electronic copy of all photos, however.


  1. I will be out of town for a wedding the weekend of June 6

  2. Ken - Please contact Zarina and see if the weekend after your return will work for her. I think that is the weekend of June 27-28. Thanks.

  3. I asked her and she said both of those dates are good for her. We should just pick a place now and let her know about wardrobe and hair/make-up. I will also discuss the pictures-for-time deal that we did in Belgium.

  4. Ken - How about an outdoor venue such as Winton Woods Lake, Sharon Woods Park, or similar location? As far as wardrobe is concerned, I'm OK with Zarina going with what she thinks is best for that sort of location.

  5. Outdoors sounds good to me, but it may need to be later in the day or early. It is pretty humid out there now.

    I haven't been to those locations in a while. Have you had a chance to look around for places to meet and set up? If not, maybe I can do that tomorrow afternoon.

    I should let her know the details in the next day or two.
